My Purpose in Egypt seems Way too Big for Me…

… wait…. as she *rummages through her panty drawer, frantically* I may not have  ‘big [enough] girl panties’ for this!

Every day I have so much to blog, but it either seems that I don’t know what to share or things change and shift here so fast, that what I was going to write about is old news and onto the next.  Sometimes I feel so confused about which direction I’m going, because I feel pulled in multiple directions all at the same time… the energies are  having their way with me and I intend to bring some order to it all!  How?  hmmmm… good question!

I just moved here about 7 weeks ago, the first 3 weeks were hell weeks… week 4 I decided I HAD to find a way to smooth this out or I’d just have to book the next flight out of here… week 5 things felt a bit better… and week 6 moved into the villa and prayed that would be the start of finding ‘home’ and some sort of normalcy… did I hear, “normalcy”?   That’s a laughable concept!

Every day is another day of, “… and what will today bring?…”  I never know.  I wake up each morning and show up and see which path opens for me…

My blog posts are going to be random … I can pretty much guarantee it will be a mixed bag and I’m also positive some of what is posted will be down right weird!  Well, such is my life… it’s always had a strangeness to it, but being here in Egypt just took that to a whole new level.

One thing I can promise you  is —- honesty!  I will not ever sugar coat things and paint a picture that always blooming daisies — or in this case, lotus flowers ;).  Through my 50 years of life, I can say I have my ‘daisy moments,’ but mostly, I seem to go through intense changes and mind-boggling experiences and insights.  Those who has studied or traveled with me know exactly what I’m talking about… I’m sure anyone that has been my student or that has gone on one of my spiritual journeys will say, “… she’s like no spiritual teacher I’ve ever met…”

Anyway, one of my angel friend’s/client wrote a note to me on Facebook today.  I will put a portion of her note and my response… it explains how I felt this morning:


“Hi there! I love how happy you are in Egypt, it is so perfect for you!!! And I love that you decided it was time to live there! So amazing!!! You sound like you are having so much fun and just loving life.”

………. deleted the rest of her message……

My response:

… (blah, blah, blah)

Egypt is great, but it has also come with a lot of upheaval for me as well… I’ve been pushed energetically all over the place and everything that I let go of for the sake of loving myself and my freedom keeps trying to be pulled away from me… but it is all energetic BS and I will not compromise… I had no idea how much of Egypt (energetically) seems to hate me… I thought it loved me so much, and i have been met with lots of resistance and a ton of crap to go through… I’m not talking about the people or the life outwardly, but energetic Egypt, has been trying to whoop me a new ass and it has been so UGHHH…. that I don’t even know the name for it.

[I’m adding this part in for my blog readers:  My emotions are all over the place at any given moment… and it feels like I walk around with question marks over my head and in my mind constantly — wondering:  What???  Really???  Seriously???  You gotta be kidding!!!  the good thing is, I know how to ‘observe’ and not ‘buy into it’ … but it is still craziness beyond what I could ever imagine!]

I found out my purpose here is so much more and deeper than I ever could have imagined and honestly why the hell would I sign up for such an assignment. if I knew before I came it would be all of this, I am quite sure I wouldn’t have come… it is so much… too much to write, but every day this seeming energy battle is annoying… the Ancients have everything to do with it… at least I’m working on their side, but they are asking me to assist in healing an ancient culture (that’s all??!!! lol), and also assist with a change in the present consciousness [here].   I have no idea how they think I can do what they need me to do…

anyway, you are the only one that has heard all of this, so if it sounds like I’m spewing, I am… HELP!!!

ok… I’m ok, other than that… lol

love you oxoxx


Things are so frickin’ crazy here… energy-wise… to say it’s been a challenge would be putting it mild.   If I knew before what I know now… I think i would have headed for the hills (far away from egypt).  Don’t get me wrong, I so love it here.  I don’t regret being here, but s#!+, really??

I’m on the wildest ride of my life –yet… that is 4-sure…

… if I wasn’t as strong as I am… I would jump this ship…   oh, Lord, please help me!

Categories: American living in Egypt, Ancient Egyptian, Aswan, destiny, Egypt, illusion, life purpose, observation, spiritual journey, spiritual path, thought | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “My Purpose in Egypt seems Way too Big for Me…

  1. Kristi Li Fight

    Cindy, what may we do to assist you? Specifically. What one thing would you like each of us to do? I am sure that all who know you would be willing to help with energy. We know that it is not all light and fluffy for you, so it is a good thing that you have this blog to vent – and – to ask for help. You help us, so let us help you. I send lots of love and energy. Is there a specific that we can work on to help you?? Please let us know. Together, we are stronger.

    Rock quarries of love and white, protective light, Kristi xoxo

  2. Awww… thank you ((((Kristi)))) … there IS something you can help with… sending continuous light to Egypt, the people, the land, the ancients and the grid here… that would be so hugely helpful and appreciated.. thank you so much for asking, offering and helping! xxx

  3. Patti Vargas

    Sounds like quite an adventure. I’ve been on the same roller coaster ride here at home. I think it has everything to do with our preparations for ascension. Keep the blogs coming, Cindy, I just love them and I love you! Patti

    • Hi Patti… it’s been crazy… but, also very insightful and I’ve been studying intensely Isis, Hathor and their other goddess aspects… it’s like I’m on some sort of crash course or something! I think the preparations are over and we are well on our ascension paths… and this is only the beginning! I’m glad you are enjoying the blog posts… thanks for reading and commenting. I love you, too!! Miss you! oxox

  4. Egypt, for the Westerner, is a place that frustrates one constantly but at the same time always astonishes and amazes!

    • I usually do not get frustrated in Egypt, as I see it all through so much heart/soul-felt love… but, living here has been a whole different animal. Not with the people or place, but the energies that I seemed to have awakened… “they are stirrin’…” …. I think it’s time for another past life regression.

  5. I see it as a relationship, all was good during courtship, now life has set in and you are seeing Egypt for who she is. Funny how we love the new relationship, but so easliy find the little things drive us crazy as time goes on. You are were you are might to be, you are not alone, we are there with you in spirit. Thank you for taking us with you and continue to call on us for help when you need a united front of energy.


    • Thanks for reading, commenting and for all your support and insight 🙂 xxx

      I’m not sure if that is all of it, Brenda. Certainly part of the mix, though. I think right now it is the opposition energy that is whipping things up and trying to take things down. I feel like i opened a sealed crypt and coming to revisit it with a new consciousness/perspective… but the energy I’m ‘meeting’ is that of old consciousness/perspective and basically picking up where it left off. But, I know the light prevails and I’m exactly where I am meant to be, doing exactly what I was destined to do at this particular point of time… bring it on, is all I can really say right now… and let myself shift to a place of the wonder of amazing unfolding to see how it plays out…. giddy-up……………..

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