Observation ~ Where in the heck do I fit into this life?

Get ready for a wild post everyone!!!

What is your job everyday?  I think we need to come up with a better word than, “job,” because, job, implies “work” to me…

definition of Job via www.dictionary.com:

Job: noun

1.  a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one’s occupation or for an agreed price: She gave him the job of mowing the lawn.
2.  a post of employment; full-time or part-time position: She was seeking a job as an editor.
3  anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility: It is your job to be on time.
4.  an affair, matter, occurrence, or state of affairs: to make the best of a bad job.
5.  the material, project, assignment, etc., being worked upon: The housing project was a long and costly job.

eeeeeuuuuuueeeeeee….. pppeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuueeeeeeee……

Job = task, expected, obliged, duty, responsibility, “it’s your job to be on time”, being worked upon, long, costly… yuck yuck yuck yuck yuckkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTHeck??!!!!  Heck-a-NOOOOOOOOOOO! haahahahahahaha….

… ok, enough of that rant! 😉

Now you can see why we have to change the work “job” to… ummmm…. how about, “purpose” — yeaaahhhh… that’s better 🙂

Now that we have that out of the way,  let’s get on with the point of this post!

What is your purpose every day?

Have you ever thought of that question?  I’m not asking what your life purpose is or what you should be achieving, working towards, goals… no, none of that… I mean it simply put:  What is your purpose today?

How about this:  What is your purpose right now?

I say, “now,” because only  have -now- at any given now-moment.  The past is behind us, the future ahead of us, and even 1 hr from now is now now and 10 minutes ago isn’t now, but right now is now.

What is your purpose right now?

When you woke up this morning did you have a purpose (or let’s say, “plan?”)  What you planned on this morning, are you doing it now?  When you work up did you say, “today my plan is to read Cindy’s blog.”  hahaha… well, if you said that, weeee  hhhaaaa!!! I LOVE YOU! XXXXX … but, if you said something else and you never even planned to read my blog or even thought of me for a second, I guess that your plan changed?

Ok, there is a method to this madness (post)…

Check it out:

Since I moved to Egypt I have been being forced to only live in the now/moment.  I have noticed that I cannot plan to do anything, because if I do it just doesn’t  happen.  I can’t expect anything to be done by a certain time.  I can’t depend that things will happen or get done.  And, even if I wanted to make a plan and follow it, it is going to happen the way it is going to happen, which is never the way I plan, want or imagine it happening.  It has really tested me, but I learn fast and I get it…

What time do I get up in the morning?  I don’t know — whenever I get up.  Most of the time I am not even aware of what time it is at any time of the day.  I  know when the sun comes up it is probably abour 6:30 or 7 AM?  I have no clue.  I know when I hear the people working on construction that it is probably around 8 AM, but also it could be 2 PM… you just never know, because they are on Egypt time, whatever time that is.  Time is not a part of life here.  More on that later.

What do I do each day?  WHOOOO knows??  There are things I want to do, and I will get up get ready, and then I get slammed back… well, that ain’t gonna happen today!!!

Yesterday we needed to go to the Visa office.  It closes at 2 PM.  Yeah, I love the work days here!  Start work at 8 or 9 AM and end the day at 2 PM? Niceness!

Anyway, it is 11 AM and I say, “we should get ready to go” and My dear says, “it closes at 2, we have a lot of time”  I say, “that is only 3 hours”  he says, “no problem, it only takes minutes to get there” … oookkk… so I go have tea and burn some sandalwood incense and connect with the Sahara and Nile… and allow my day to unfold as it is going to unfold.  I forget all about time and just live in my space.

Later My dear says, “we have to go!  we haven’t time!  they will close at 2!!” hahahaha… welcome to my world!!!  Either we have a lot of time in which no one has to do anything or get anything done right away, because we have soooo much time — so much time that nothing gets done at all  OR we “haven’t ANY TIME!” … in which now we can’t do anything we wanted to do, because we don’t have any time! hahaha… so basically, NOTHING EVER GETS DONE… because we either have a lot of time or we have no time! Confused? Welcome to my world!

Tell me,  please… either I have gone crazy or this makes no sense! hahaha… sorry about all the laughing, but if I don’t laugh I may just cry!  Honestly, this is an every day experience and I’ve just surrendered to it all.

We are too busy to get anything done, because we don’t have time… but really, NOTHING IS getting done!  HELP ME LORD!!!

It brings me to my realization of that statement:  There is no time in space.

I believe that may be what is happening here.  There IS not time so without time what do we do?  We are so used to being time-driven!

*phew* I need a deep breath after that one… did I mention something about “observation” ?  oh yea… back to that…

So yesterday I just decided to observe everything around me without judgement.  Person by person and situation by situation, I was amazed, baffled, surprised… to the point of disbelief and laughter.  I started thinking:  the world around me is a mirror of the world within me, and started seeing how the people around me were acting and their crazy belief programs and then looking at me and saying… oookkk!!  I better get busy cleaning myself up!

After a day of observation, I wondered, “… I am observing my life.  It’s as if I am on the outside looking in at this crazy illusion I’ve created called, my life – or – my reality… observing it is interesting, but where do I fit in?  I came to the conclusion that it’s all a state of mind.  If  I think what I am observing is ridiculous, crazy, or whatever, maybe I need to get inside of myself and be a bit more real about who I am and what I’m creating!  We are the creators of our Universes (illusions/realities)…  doing this exercise of observation without judgement brought me a lot of eye-opening awareness.

What I plan on doing?

I will write a list of the things that stood out to me the most, i.e., what surprised me, what I thought was crazy, ridiculous, what felt good, what lit my soul up… anything that stood out the most.  Once I get it down on paper I will go through each thing one by one and shift what I need to shift and connect to Source to create a more aligned illusion with what I really desire for myself and my experience.

After writing this post I can see there is quite a bit of ??????????????? being reflected to me.  I am ready for some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  … some reaaaalllllyyyy gooooodddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sooo many 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂  and tons of LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said… what is my purpose right now?  Well, I think after all of this crazy pondering that I cup of tea would be perfect… my plan for the rest of the day?  We shall see where the “time” takes me!

… and you? xxx

Connecting with the energy of the Sahara Desert

Categories: American living in Egypt, Egypt, illusion, life purpose, manifesting, no time in space, observation | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Observation ~ Where in the heck do I fit into this life?

  1. Carol Raab

    CIndy — Always amazing me. Always leaving me with a smile. Love YOU!

  2. received this email… sounds right up this post’s alley!

    Today, just do a little bit, Cindy, so that I can do a lot of bit.

    That’s how it works.

    Huge love,
    The Universe

  3. Hey, I was thinking… I’d better go to bed now, because I might have nothing to do tomorrow! hahahahahahahaha

  4. Pingback: My Purpose in Egypt seems Way too Big for Me… « Soul Travel Egypt

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