Posts Tagged With: Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egypt and the Power of “7”

The number “7” has frequently been written about in old texts, history books, papyrus or seen visually on, hieroglyphics and countless temple walls.  It is clear there was a significance to the number 7 for the Ancient Egyptians…

It was another day for me, sitting in my downstairs living room area of my villa.  Earlier that day I had been to the Souk (the Aswan Marketplace) to purchase some fresh vegetables and fruits to make my raw green juice.  I love the souk!  I would love to spend a day hanging out in the souk with a girlfriend to enjoy the energy, the people and the many unusual happenings.  Never a dull moment!

Local Vegetable Vendors in the Souk, Aswan

Anyway, after finding my last item, mint, I was in the taxi and ready to head back to the villa.  I looked up and realized I was right by my “pharmacy.”  Well, my pharmacy is really a spice store that carries, spices, herbs, extracts, oils, incense, natural remedies and all kinds of stuff.  This is one of my favorite places to go, and although it is a small store, I could easily spend a few hours perusing the shelves.  I love reading some of the packaging for the natural herbal remedies, because they are written in English and not always in the proper wording… so you have to really read it word by word to make sure you are translating it correctly for your particular ailment.

A few weeks ago, a friend came for a visit and she was having a problem having a bowel movement.  I was having my own *hand exaggerated* conversation with the store owner who doesn’t speak English, discussing the benefits of drinking a homemade frankincense tincture, and happened to turn around to hear my friend trying to explain in her own *hand exaggerated* conversation, to the other guy working in the store, “… well, ummm, I can’t…. *hand motion in butt area… * I need to…   … no no nooo… not stop it… ” hahahaha… I start to laugh out loud.  I can so relate to these types of conversations!  I had a good one myself on a cruise ship on my first trip through Egypt when I was trying to ask for toilet paper… it was another *butt pointing* experience 😉 … I’ll leave it at that.

Well, the products that kept being suggested to her were for loose stool and diarrhea… and sometimes very insistent that those were the products she wanted!  A lot of ” …no, no, no, NOOOOOOOOO… she doesn’t want to hold it INNN, she wants to let it OUUUTT!”  We both decided to read the packages ourselves to find the perfect remedy.  We agreed on this one:


Benefits [I have written it word for word from the package]:  It is used for the painful colic, swellings and pains of colon.  It help for healing wounds it prevent the swelling and calm the pains of the circultion and it is used for digest and loss of weight.”

…. hmmmmmmm…… sounds like the ticket in a strange sort of way! hahahaha …anyway…

Back to the other day… I went into the spice store and quickly bought some frankincense and myrrh… 30 LE, which is $6 USD for about 1 cup size of each.  I love this about Egypt – the cost of my favorite things are so low!  Quickly, I jumped back into the taxi and as I was heading home I was feeling these energy rushes.  I knew there were ‘energies’ reaching out to me… I  thought that was interesting, because, it isn’t like it was the first time I bought these things. However, that day in particular I really wanted to get myrrh.

Back to where I started.  The sun had set and I was quietly sitting and decided to burn some frankincense and myrrh.  The aroma is so sacred, clearing and uplifting, and my spirit started to soar into higher dimensions.  I felt rushes of energy again, and closed my eyes.  I saw a “bull” head looking at me.  Wonder who that is?  I think to myself.  Now the myrrh is burning by itself, and whooooosh.. in come the Ancients.  *Roll Call*:  Akhenaten (King Tut’s Father and Husband of Nefertiti), Isis, Hathor, and a collection of other Ancients and Gods/Goddess of Egypt… wow… to what do I owe this visit!

They are asking for my help in healing an ancient culture especially located in Nuba, that has survived to this present time and to assist with bringing awareness back to current consciousness of the country as a whole of the importance, power and culture of ‘real’ Egypt, which IS the Egypt that was here from the beginning of time and space.  Do you really believe that all of the ancient pyramids, temples, texts, inscriptions and abundance of remnants left behind are for the sake of wonder and monetary value?  Come ooonnn, now!  Wake up… it’s like a sign as big as a country standing right in front of our faces and we just don’t see it!

It leads me back to the foundations of all my teachings… about 13 years ago, Isis showed up to me for the first time [consciously] in a meditation.  I had heard of her, but didn’t really know her.  In fact, I never really had a thought about Egypt, ever, not even the pyramids… Egypt was never a thought that ever crossed my mind, even once — imagine that! 😉  Well, she came in and I channeled an amazingly powerful manifesting meditation.  It included working with Isis, sacred geometry, gold, Archangel Raziel (the wizard manifesting angel), the sun, moon, planets, and more… it was true, “Manifesting with Alchemy.”  At the time of all of this channeling, I never worked [consciously] with most of these aspects.  Maybe the  moon cycles and angels, but the rest was ‘Greek’ to me!  All I know was that I started doing the meditation every day and I had more business than I could keep up with.  I had to actually stop manifesting for a while!

Gosh, I’m going all over the place with today’s post… oh well, I warned you… what comes out, when it comes out is what is on the table for today!

Anyway, the foundations of my teachings have always been about “getting back to the basics of what our ancient brothers and sisters did.”  Whether we are talking about the Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Incans, Atlanteans, or who-have-you, and definitely the basis of Light Activation Healing System …  and, working with the natural cycles and flows of astrology, planets, stars, platonic solids, intention (aka Quantum Psychics), natural intuition and all that is connected to our higher-selves and Source (Creator, God, the Universe… whoever you consider your higher power) — THAT  is “where it is at” and where “it” has always been!  We have gotten so far away from ourselves, that we have totally forgotten the the power and answers are always found within and not the next technological gadget that makes things go faster, farther and more further from the truth (of who we are and what we are able to create).

Wait, wasn’t I talking about burning myrrh and a ‘bull’ coming in? …

I felt guided to look at one of my favorite books, “The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt” to see what I could find out about the bull.  I was brought to the

“Sky Bull (Bull of the West)”

“Found in vignettes of Chapter 148 of the Book of the Dead the Sky Bull was a mythical creature or deity associated with the heavens and with the afterlife and thus also called the “Bull of the West.”  The bull was said to be the husband of 7 cows, which usually accompany him.”

That “7” struke a memory for me… hmmm…. 7….. I had been thinking about the 7  Hathors lately, and was taking photos of the 7 Hathor columns at the Isis Temple a few weeks ago.  I never get tired of taking photos of those Hathor columns… and Hathor is often depicted as a cow… hmmmm… so that is what brought me to the subject of, “7.”

7 Hathors at Isis Temple of Philae

I pull out my journal and begin scribbling down thoughts and notes from my book… and this is what I wrote:

Sevens “7” and Egypt

3 +4 = 7

7 Hathors

7 Aspects of Goddesses

7 Divine Cows

42 Judges (6 x 7)

Cows  usually associated with Hathor.

#7 is frequently found significant, and the sum of 3 and 4, may have been believed to embody the combined significance of thse two numbers – plurality and totality.

7 associated with the dieties in different ways.

Sun God Re was said to have seven bau or souls, and several other deities were considered to be ‘sevenfold’ or to have seven forms.

The many different manifestations of Hathor were frequently consolidated into a more manageable and comprehensible group of 7, but the fact that different groups of Hathors existed, comprised of different goddesses, shows that the sevenfold grouping was symbolically more important than the specific deities included.  The number also appears in groups of different deities where they were brought together.

The company of gods revered at Abydos comprised 7 gods, for example, and it is probably not coincidental that the number of the 42 judges who sat in the tribunal of the afterlife to judge the deceased was a multiple of seven.

The 7 cows found in Chapter 148 of the Book of the Dead also provide a good example of this kind of grouping.

While these bovines were sometimes identified as aspects of the goddess Hathor as the so called, “Seven Hathors” and individually named as:

7 Hathors:

Mansion of Kas

Silent One

She of Chemnis

Much Beloved

She Who Protects

She Whose Name has Power

Storm in the Sky ….

they usually bear no clear association other than that of their own grouping and the fact that they fulfilled a cosmic role as goddesses of fate.

……. hmmmmm… well, I don’t believe that there is “no clear association other than their own grouping,” because as I look at the 7 names of the Hathors, I am amazed and intrigued and definitely doing more digging on what they all mean.  But, then my curiosity was drawn to the “7 Aspects of Goddesses” and I wondered about all of Isis’s aspects.

I started searching my memory banks for all the aspects I knew about Isis, and then started scanning my books to pick up any words related to aspects that describe her.  I began scribbling randomly in my journal again:

Isis (Goddess Aspects?)

Re: Isis Temple, Island of Philae

From my book again, “The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt“:  The hymns inscribed there identify Isis with many other goddesses and shown that she had successfully absorbed them as, “Isis in all her manifestations.”

hmmmm…. I thought, “What goddesses are shown in the Isis Temple of Philae?”… I’ve been there so many times and now I am racking my brain to remember all the goddesses I have seen carved on the walls  of the temple.  I am looking for all of Isis’s manifestations that she absorbed that are from the walls of her temple:  Sekhmet, Hathor, Nephtys, who else??  There are TONS of Sekhmet’s every where, and lots of Osiris and Horus, of course, but they aren’t goddesses.

Isis feeding Osiris the Key of Life


Isis and her sister, Nephtys

and of course, there’s Goddess Cindy… but who else? I have to go back to the temple for some more research… there have to be more!

More from the book on another page:

Isis merged with many other goddesses:



Nut (her  mother)




hmmm… that was “6” .. there’s gotta be a 1 more to make 7…

List of Aspects:

Isis, Goddess of:

– Love

– Magic

– Spells

– Great Power

– Mother of Horus

– Healing Powers

– Mother of King

– Power of the Throne (or Seat)

– Mourner, Sustainer and Protector of the Deceased

Goddess of Cosmic Associations:

– Moon Goddess

– “Eye” of Re

– Closely equated with the star Sirius and in this role she merges with Goddess Sothis and sometimes called, Isis-Sothis

“In hymns dedicated to Isis at temple of Philae Isis was ascribed “powers of cosmic proportions” and one hymn says:

She is the lady of Heaven, Earth and the Netherworld, having brought them into existence…” and in a late aretalogy or list of her virtues, Isis is made to say:

“I separated the Earth from the Heaven,  I showed the path of the stars, I regulated the course of the sun and the moon.”

Well, it may seem like a lot of rambling and pieces of random information, but anyone that has worked with me will see all the amazing parallels of my work and insights in between words and phrases here.  I was so astonished the way the information flowed to me, and how a single piece of information, seeing a bull’s face in my meditation took me on this maze of amazement and insight.

And, guess what… I am leading my next transformational journey in April/May called:

7 Ancient Egyptian Initiations to Personal Ascension

say, whaattt??? … when I put this journey together, I had no idea there was significance in “7” … I just knew of 7 power places that would be hugely life-changing vortex energies to use as a conduit for our initiations and transformations… shift definitely will be happening big time on this one!  I just love how the Universe takes us full circle, and validates the information we “receive.”  I knew this journey would be huge, but now I am receiving even more evidence it is much more than I could have imagined!  This Universe is amazing and magical, and I LOVE working with the Ancients!

I have a lot of gaps to fill and questions to ponder, but one thing for sure… Ancient Egypt is talking to me… and there is something more we all need to learn and understand about the Power of “7” … AND the deeper meanings, reasons and trails of *signs, messages and information* the Ancients left behind for our own Universal, Planetary and Personal growth, expansion and ascension… There is SO much more than the stories that have been told.  At the same time, the different theories whether coming from a standpoint based on scientific, archeological,  spiritual or personal belief systems will all vary depending on the spin.  But, what it all really comes down to is:  What do YOU believe and what feels TRUE to you?

chew on that until the next time I see you 🙂

Join Me for My Next Amazing Egypt Journey October 2013

Hanging out with Isis at her temple… we are home!

Categories: Ancient Egyptian, Aswan, destiny, Egypt, Egyptian Goddesses, Hathor, Isis, life purpose, Nubian, Signs from the Universe, spiritual journey, spiritual path, thought | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

My Purpose in Egypt seems Way too Big for Me…

… wait…. as she *rummages through her panty drawer, frantically* I may not have  ‘big [enough] girl panties’ for this!

Every day I have so much to blog, but it either seems that I don’t know what to share or things change and shift here so fast, that what I was going to write about is old news and onto the next.  Sometimes I feel so confused about which direction I’m going, because I feel pulled in multiple directions all at the same time… the energies are  having their way with me and I intend to bring some order to it all!  How?  hmmmm… good question!

I just moved here about 7 weeks ago, the first 3 weeks were hell weeks… week 4 I decided I HAD to find a way to smooth this out or I’d just have to book the next flight out of here… week 5 things felt a bit better… and week 6 moved into the villa and prayed that would be the start of finding ‘home’ and some sort of normalcy… did I hear, “normalcy”?   That’s a laughable concept!

Every day is another day of, “… and what will today bring?…”  I never know.  I wake up each morning and show up and see which path opens for me…

My blog posts are going to be random … I can pretty much guarantee it will be a mixed bag and I’m also positive some of what is posted will be down right weird!  Well, such is my life… it’s always had a strangeness to it, but being here in Egypt just took that to a whole new level.

One thing I can promise you  is —- honesty!  I will not ever sugar coat things and paint a picture that always blooming daisies — or in this case, lotus flowers ;).  Through my 50 years of life, I can say I have my ‘daisy moments,’ but mostly, I seem to go through intense changes and mind-boggling experiences and insights.  Those who has studied or traveled with me know exactly what I’m talking about… I’m sure anyone that has been my student or that has gone on one of my spiritual journeys will say, “… she’s like no spiritual teacher I’ve ever met…”

Anyway, one of my angel friend’s/client wrote a note to me on Facebook today.  I will put a portion of her note and my response… it explains how I felt this morning:


“Hi there! I love how happy you are in Egypt, it is so perfect for you!!! And I love that you decided it was time to live there! So amazing!!! You sound like you are having so much fun and just loving life.”

………. deleted the rest of her message……

My response:

… (blah, blah, blah)

Egypt is great, but it has also come with a lot of upheaval for me as well… I’ve been pushed energetically all over the place and everything that I let go of for the sake of loving myself and my freedom keeps trying to be pulled away from me… but it is all energetic BS and I will not compromise… I had no idea how much of Egypt (energetically) seems to hate me… I thought it loved me so much, and i have been met with lots of resistance and a ton of crap to go through… I’m not talking about the people or the life outwardly, but energetic Egypt, has been trying to whoop me a new ass and it has been so UGHHH…. that I don’t even know the name for it.

[I’m adding this part in for my blog readers:  My emotions are all over the place at any given moment… and it feels like I walk around with question marks over my head and in my mind constantly — wondering:  What???  Really???  Seriously???  You gotta be kidding!!!  the good thing is, I know how to ‘observe’ and not ‘buy into it’ … but it is still craziness beyond what I could ever imagine!]

I found out my purpose here is so much more and deeper than I ever could have imagined and honestly why the hell would I sign up for such an assignment. if I knew before I came it would be all of this, I am quite sure I wouldn’t have come… it is so much… too much to write, but every day this seeming energy battle is annoying… the Ancients have everything to do with it… at least I’m working on their side, but they are asking me to assist in healing an ancient culture (that’s all??!!! lol), and also assist with a change in the present consciousness [here].   I have no idea how they think I can do what they need me to do…

anyway, you are the only one that has heard all of this, so if it sounds like I’m spewing, I am… HELP!!!

ok… I’m ok, other than that… lol

love you oxoxx


Things are so frickin’ crazy here… energy-wise… to say it’s been a challenge would be putting it mild.   If I knew before what I know now… I think i would have headed for the hills (far away from egypt).  Don’t get me wrong, I so love it here.  I don’t regret being here, but s#!+, really??

I’m on the wildest ride of my life –yet… that is 4-sure…

… if I wasn’t as strong as I am… I would jump this ship…   oh, Lord, please help me!

Categories: American living in Egypt, Ancient Egyptian, Aswan, destiny, Egypt, illusion, life purpose, observation, spiritual journey, spiritual path, thought | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments