Posts Tagged With: signs from the Universe

Dream Interpretation… naked people?

Our dreams are always giving us messages… whether it is a deceased loved one wanting to tell us something, insight from the Universe or something from our subconscious that needs to be revealed.  Dreams are usually bits of awareness that are prevalent and helpful to our current situations and lives.  Interpreting a dream is sometimes easy, but for me I have found that many times it is like solving a puzzle to get to the core of the meaning… naked people?

Dreamstate ~ a Tunnel to your Subconscious Messages – yep, I took this photo… an Egyptian Full Moon

The other morning before I awoke, I was having a dream where everyone I went to talk to was naked and usually just had sex or in one case it was a woman asking for help with her sexuality.  But most of the situations were couples that were naked.  They were all generally happy and at peace, and didn’t mind that I was there.  The situations seemed like a normal every day thing for  the others, but for me, I was like — what?? — again?? naked people?? why??!!  I don’t want to keep seeing naked people… and after sex?  hmmmm….

The dreams that I know that I have to spend time interpreting are the ones that tend to stick with me.  I find it is usually the weird puzzling dreams that get my attention  most, so maybe that is why I get my “messages” through strange dreams.  The one thing that keeps pulling at me is that I didn’t want to see these people naked, especially after sex… and also the fact that they were all happy and at peace and didn’t find anything strange about me being there or seeing them.  In fact, they it never seemed to even occur to them.  They were happy to have me there, with or without clothes.  The thoughts that immediately came to my mind are [and it’s the thoughts that come to your mind first that are usually the biggest hints to the whole message]:

–  I can see everything about a person.  No one can hide anything from me that needs to be seen.

–  I am seeing things for what they are.

–  Bare, naked, truth.

–  Helping people to shed what isn’t their truth.

–  Helping people shed the layers to their ultimate healing.

–  Sex = co-creating = manifesting

–  Couples are feeling good/happy = at peace, all is well

What “comes” to me from that is:  People feel comfortable with me, my work, and genuinely want my help in seeing what is in their way and helping them ‘take it all off (or away – healing it)’  But, why would these messages be so important for me to know right now?  I have been doing healing work for so many years now, and I know that my work is valued by so many.

It is no surprise that the energy that is surging through us with the shifts from 2011 to 2012 are sweeping us all into new ‘spaces’ or dimensions — and taking us through major change (always for the better).  I have noticed that people that are not in integrity, i.e., lie, cheat or deceive, are all being “exposed.”  The truth will be told and seen by all, and people that lie, cheat, deceive (or in similar low energy), will be put on a pedestal for all to “see” — their “naked truth” … so as I am typing (channeling) this information right now, I am seeing a situation that I dealt with in 2011, which was letting go of my old life and the people who were not in integrity with me… it was all about shedding.   The “message” I am getting is, “… don’t feel bad or regret any of it… you know the truth and you are a better person and in a better place as a result of it… let it go… those lies aren’t yours to harbor over, they are theirs… and YOU are set FREE!”  I love the reassurance from the Universe…. I had been asking for “freedom” for a few years now, and finally, I am set free!

Further, I am thinking of a current situation that has been brought to light with me recently when it comes to clients as well.  Recently, I have been being shown by the Universe that people will try to manipulate me (consciously or unconsciously)  into believing that they “don’t have,” or that they are in lack, specifically, when it comes to paying for my services that they want.  Hmmm…. I have had to do some reflection of how I’ve done business in the last 15 years around this subject, because this seems to be a theme.  There have been so many times where people want to take a class or join me for one of my spiritual journeys and they “don’t have the money or want a discount or can’t pay for my services” … and in the past I was always trying to ‘help’ people by either offering a discount or making arrangements to help them — which in truth, was really putting me out and hurting my business.   Worse, what I was doing was telling myself that I was in lack, because I was allowing this to happen by accommodating others, affirming their lack and putting myself in a position that wasn’t supportive to me or my business.  Further, I do have many service offerings that range from free to paid for services, so there is always something for everyone… the point is, how much do they really want it — or DO they really want it!

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world.  If I’m attracting these people/situations to myself, I am holding the energy within myself.  Of COURSE I am worth being paid for my services!  To be honest, I know I am one of the most giving people I know when it comes to putting my all into my work.  Anyone that is guided to work with me benefits so much more than the price they pay, and why the heck would I be willing to compromise myself, my livelihood, my time, my energy and my beautiful gifts of healing… especially for people who are not really seeing my worth.  If they were really seeing my worth and how much I am helping them, they’d pay top dollar without one thought otherwise, because I AM WORTH IT and they know it, because they have experience incredible transformation working with me!   I  have to add that most of the people who say this to me (don’t have the money), are people that are spending lots of money on other classes, retreats, trips, fancy clothes, etc… but, when it comes to me, they don’t have ???  crazy!

It became very clear — I needed to stand up for myself, honor my work, my worth and everything I am to this world — a master healer, teacher and life-transforming messenger… and that is exactly what I have been doing.  When people come to me with their “I can’t pay this or that…”  I say, “OK!  No problem… ”  and I send love, light and so much support their ways, because if I am not the way for their healing and growth right now, then I want them to find the way that IS their way.  It’s all good!  I don’t take it personally, and know there are plenty of people who without a doubt see/feel my worth and those are the people I wish to have around me.

I have been very clear with the Universe that I desire to attract people to me that see  my services, whether it is a class, reading or spiritual journey and say:  “I want this!” … and that sign up immediately with no hesitation, because they feel and know this is exactly what they have been looking for.  I know there are plenty of people that want my services and are happy to pay for them — 😀  that is so awesome!    I am so happy to release what doesn’t align with me, to open the space and welcome in those who DO ALIGN with me.  I love working with people who love working with me…. I feel so happy just thinking about it!

Healing is a two-way street.  I do my part in facilitating the healing process and my clients must also do their part to receive and support their healing process.  It takes two to tango, as they say… and I am SO ready to DANCE!!  I have rolled out the red carpet, and excited to see the amazing people that are ready to tango, cha-cha, waltz, disco or square dance… let’s play our way through personal growth and transformation… I know how to “take you there!”

… I guess I’ve finally interpreted that dream!  I am seeing people for who they are… their naked truth… and that is ok, whatever that naked truth maybe.  Whether it is someone that is not in integrity or someone that isn’t meant to work with me… it doesn’t really matter.  What the message is here is:  Do not compromise who I am and what I do… let go of what/who isn’t aligning with me and to make space for those who are aligning with me… that feels really good!  MANIFEST ONLY THE BEST!!  Oooooo yeaaaahhh!!  I am loving that statement!

… and I hope you take this message to heart for yourself too, because if you are reading this, there is some insight for you also. 😉

Back to Dream Interpretation:

When you have a dream that sticks with you, take time to interpret what it is telling you… there is always a message.  Here are a few tips for dream interpretation:

–  It is always better if you can interpret your dream yourself rather than ask other people, unless of course, you know an good intuitive that will tune in for you and get your messages.   The reason it is better for you to interpret your dream yourself is, because the dream was delivered to you in a way for YOU to interpret… meaning…. what may mean one thing for you, may mean a completely different thing for someone else.

For example:  say you see a red sun:  what does red mean to you?  what does red feel like to you?  when you see red, what does it make you think of?  For instance, maybe red to you would feel warm and happy, while red to someone else might feel angry and disoriented.  If you were shown ‘red’ in your dream, then it would mean, ‘red’ meant (in this scenario) warm and happy, not angry and disoriented.  Further, what does a sun symbolize for you?  Maybe it symbolizes a positive outcome… and maybe for some else it could symbolize, be careful.  See what I mean?  So trust yourself… whatever is standing out in your dream, ask yourself who it makes you feel or what do you think of when you see it (refer back to my “naked people” and how I felt when I saw them),,, and let it begin to solve the puzzle of deciphering the deeper messages.

–  Don’t always take your dream for face value. 

For example:  If you have a dream and your boyfriend is cheating on you… does it always mean he is cheating on you?  Well, maybe, but maybe not… again, ask yourself:  How do I feel when I see this situation?  You might answer:  mad, insecure, unsafe, unworthy, fearful.  Put your attention to these emotions that you targeted.  It is your dream telling you there is some healing you need to do around these emotions.

A good place to start is to look in your life and notice patterns in these emotions, and do some work on healing them.  The issue is, if you are holding these emotions within you, they are part of your vibration.  What is vibrating in you will attract more of the same vibration TO you.  It is worth working through these emotions so you can release them from yourself so you can stop attracting people and situations that align with these types of emotions (if you don’t like them).

–  If you get repeating types of dreams — pay attention!

Repeating messages, whether you are awake or asleep are messages that need your attention.  It is Divine guidance wanting to help you.  Definitely pay attention to repeated messages!

–  After interpreting a dream — take action!

The messages are coming through to help you through issues that are standing in the way of your happiness/success/forward movement.  When you “get” what the message is, make a commitment to apply it to your life and help you move forward towards your dreams and desires.

–  TRUST your intuition

There is a difference between trusting your head (ego – lower-self) and your heart (soul – higher-self).  Ask your head what it thinks and let it spew out all the negative, low and un-supportive thoughts it can.  Then ask your heart what it thinks and allow yourself to listen and feel it.  Then choose from your heart, because your soul knows!  Love yourself enough to choose what feels good.

I could write a book on this, but I think this is enough to get you well on your way!

Dreams are amazing tools of insight, healing and positive growth 🙂

Categories: abundant living, destiny, dream interpretation, emotional healing, healing, life purpose, manifesting, observation, reality, Signs from the Universe, spiritual journey, spiritual path, thought | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dark, quiet, cold and windy… a bird, the cat and maybe a mouse

6:22 AM the alarm goes off. I have a client via at 7. The only sounds are of the howling wind shaking the many windows of the villa. Eeeeyikes… gotta get up — it’s coooold!

Before I get up, I close my eyes again and connect with my angels. “Help me with my appointment this morning… Archangel Michael, what do I need to know about my client today to help him manifest the perfect job and anything else he wants to discuss today?” Archangel Michael begins giving me messages that I can tell my client…. ok, I’m “connected” and I have something to begin our session with. Time to get up.

Go to the bathroom, warm water on my face, brush my teeth, running my fingers through my night ravaged hair hahaha… what a sight, thank goddess this is a skype (phone) session! Put on several layers of clothing — still cold. Grab my small blanket and leave the bedroom. Walk into the upstairs living room/family chill-out room/office… turn on the computer. Shuffle downstairs, oh gosh, I hope the mouse isn’t in the house! A quick scan around and no mouse in sight. Flip on the kitchen light, pour mineral water into the electric water pot… 2 small scoops of Egyptian tea, a splash of milk, add hot water, stir… and we’re ready to roll. Back upstairs to the computer…

Decide to do a quick tarot spread to gather more insight for my client — shuffle, shuffle, shuffle — shuffle, shuffle, shuffle — “… please give me more details to help my client forward…” shuffle, shuffle, shuffle… cut the deck, and lay the cards out into the 10 card Celtic spread. Hmmmmm… well, this is looking pretty good! Filled with lots of celebrating, happiness and especially family love and harmony… oh, good!! Just a few small areas to be adjusted like looking at things with a new perspective and taking off self-imposed chains… ok, not to big of a deal 😉 … overall, great reading — I’m so happy to see this!

Sit down, click on the Skype link, enter the phone number… Egypt 7 AM calling California 9 PM… press *Call* *bup bup bup bup bup BUUP* (that would be the sound of Skype’s calling song – lol)… sheesh, it’s dang cold! Throw the blanket around me and… “… hello?” “hi….” and the session begins. blah, blah, blah, and oh yeah, that makes so much sense, and more blah, blah, blah… and ok, thanks for that, and blah, blah, blah… wow, that is SO true… and 30 minutes later he has clarity and knows what he needs to do… another satisfied client. 🙂

Open Facebook… well, I let a cat out of the bag yesterday and announced, “in a relationship.” Well, I figured it was time to let people in on that one.  Let me just say, it is a relationship I would have never imagined would manifest. But, now looking back, I can see how he was years in the making when I would write out my manifestations lists — I just thought that with my intentions I would be manifesting a better relationship with the one I was with at the time… but, the power of my true heart’s desires and my trips connecting to my soul in Egypt would tell a different story. One that I was completely unaware of!

The short story on that one is: Every time I would visit Egypt my soul would ignite and my essence was a glowing illumination of love. I always knew there was a deep connection to Egypt with me, but didn’t know the depths (still know there is a lot more to come)… when I lead my spiritual journeys in Egypt we travel all over Egypt. Whenever we would be in Aswan, my heart would swell with love even more. Each time I would be on a felucca in the Nile River I would say: I love Aswan, it is so beautiful here. Isis Temple is my favorite temple! I love the Nubian people and the Nile River is so gorgeous here… and 2 years ago, I took my first taste of the Nile River while caught up in one of these moments sailing the Nile.

Years later I met him on Facebook… and guess what, he was lives in Aswan in a village on the banks of the Nile River, he is Nubian and owns a felucca… destiny – that’s all I’ll say! Pretty dang amazing if you ask me. Well, my Facebook friends, thanks for celebrating my next life phase with me. I hope that many of you will be guided to join “us” on our future Egypt Journeys, because now, with my beloved Egyptian angel, who just happens to be Nubian (the indigenous Ancient Egyptian people) and born and raised living in the true land of the ancient pharoahs, it has unlocked new and deeper dimensions to my ‘work‘ in spiritual and transformational journeys… we just took it to a whole new level, folks!

*Tap, tap, tap, TAP, TAP, tap, tap, tap…* why does this bird keep coming to the villa and tapping it’s beak on the window? For the last 3 days this bird sits outside the window and *taps* … patiently, *tap, tap, tap…* yesterday every time we would be in another room, we’d look out the window and other birds would be in the windows In the kitchen we have to windows on different walls and birds in both.  So strange about the *tapping* bird… he was out there this morning early when I got up and still here with me hours later… now he is tapping and chirping! lol… what is up?!

Well, the sun is up now… my regular routine… open the curtains — “Hello, Sahara and Nile River! So nice to see you!” How blessed am I! I am loving my life! I mean, seriously, how amazing can my life get? And, I know this is only the beginning of a great unfolding of wonder and dimension traveling… wow!

And, finally, the mouse! Late the other night I was sitting here at my desk working away and out of the corner of my eye I thought I kept seeing something white flashing by, but thought I was just being distracted or something by a spirit or imagining something that wasn’t there. I didn’t put too much attention to it as I was busy and tired. Finally, as I finished up my work I was turning off the computer and look and I see a mouse tail whipping by heading down the stairs……… EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OMGODDESS… not another mouse!!!

Stepping back just a bit on mouse history. Last September I was in Egypt for about 7 weeks. One week I rented an apartment in Aswan and the night I was getting ready to leave to head to Cairo to lead a spiritual journey I see this mouse come running into the bedroom… AAAHHHH!! I scream!! My dear comes running in, “What?!” looking all wide-eyed and worried. “EWWW a MOUSE!!” *shakes his head* and says, “Why do you have to scream! It’s just a mouse!” I said, “EWWWW *creepy chills* .. it’s under the bed… don’t stand there!”

I finish packing and go in the living room, sit down, put my earbuds in my ears and start listening to my iPod… all into my music, ooooh yeah… and “AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” *jumping out of my skin, feet up off the floor* … Ashraf running in… “What?!!” hahahaha (although I’m laughing now, it wasn’t funny then)… THE MOUSE WAS RUNNING RIGHT TO MEEEEE!!! AND NOW HE IS UNDERNEATH THE REFRIGERATOR!!!!!” … My dear says, “… oh my God! Stop screaming like that, PLEASE! All the people are going to come here to see what is wrong!!” Puzzled, I say, “What?” “Yes, the people will all come here – mannny people! If they hear you scream once, they will listen, if they hear you again, they will wonder what is wrong, AND IF they hear you scream a third time, they will all come here running to see what is wrong… PLEASE DO NOT SCREAM!” Me, “… let me tell you something… if I see a mouse… and ANYTIME I see a mouse… and EVERY TIME I see a mouse, I GUARANTEE I WILL SCREAM!!! It is GROOOOSSSS… omgosh… thank goodness I didn’t see this mouse earlier in the week, I would have never slept!!” ….. ok, end of that story… and on to the next…

Upon my arrival to Aswan in December (last month), my dear found a fairly new, huge, beautiful flat to stay in while I looked to find somewhere else to live. Well, there was a family of mice living there and they made it their business to live as they pleased and do what they wanted. It was so disgusting… every night it was like a mouse circus. I mean, this wasn’t any mouse circus, this was a mouse Circus Soliel! They would come out and run around the living room and dining room while we were all in there, on the computer, watching TV or whatever. They would run around, go under the couch and chairs — peep through the cushions, run up and down the curtains —aggghhhh it was the grossest thing!! I was PAYING to live here?

My dear wants to catch the mice and set them free… I want them gone no matter what the method!

4 Mice:

1 – he catches in the trash and takes the bag outside to the street trash bin and watches the mouse run to his freedom. Success!

2 – he opens the door and another mouse decides to take a hike. Good!

Mice 3 and 4 – well, they continued with their circus antics until we moved… I was so happy to get out of there… and swore… there will be no mice in the villa!!

No Mice Allowed in this Villa!

So back to other night… again… “AAAHHHHHH!” “What?!” (… you know the drill) “A MOUSE… EWWWW… it has a long tale! I’m SURE it’s a RAT!!” hahaha…

Long story short… this mouse is unbelievable! It really has not point or purpose to be in the villa, because there is absolutely no food left out and is clean as a whistle… and has no where it can hide. We go in the kitchen and he looks at us – say what? We get out of the way, and he flees as fast as he can out of the kitchen, around the corner and to the front door. Waits for my dear to open the door and scurries to his freedom. Ok, that was pretty cool, but the thing is… he ran faaarrrrr away… but, he keeps coming back!! He can get in under the front door, and we have been through this same drill with him several times now… so now we put wood under the door to block it so he can’t get in, but he is still trying to come back! Ashraf opened the door for a delivery person and whooop! The mice runs back in! Same dang drill… he runs in and runs out… I’ve never heard of a mouse being so persistent about NOTHING! What is the deal with that? We are waiting for one of the guy’s that is doing construction on a building near us to come do something to fill the gap of the door. But, honestly, I am still quite puzzled by this mouse!

*tap, tap, tap, chirp, tap, chirp, tap, tap* … that bird is persistent too!

The mouse and the bird have something in common:  They both want to come in and are very persistent!

I’m sure these are more *signs from the Universe* … ok, Universe – please share!

The wind is still roaring, windows shaking, … and my fingers feel frost-bitten at this point. You’d think with all the typing I’m doing they’d be warm by now. I am thinking I dread going out to hang my washed clothes on the line upstairs outside with this wind whipping around. hhhmmmmm…. I guess it is time for another cup of hot tea… and some quiet contemplation and connection with the Sahara… *tap, chirp, chirp, tap, tap…* well, almost quiet 😉

*Tap Tap Tap*er the bird!

Categories: American living in Egypt, Ancient Egyptian, Archangel Michael, destiny, Egypt, manifesting, Nile River, Nubian, Sahara Desert, Signs from the Universe, soul mate | Tags: , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Observation ~ Where in the heck do I fit into this life?

Get ready for a wild post everyone!!!

What is your job everyday?  I think we need to come up with a better word than, “job,” because, job, implies “work” to me…

definition of Job via

Job: noun

1.  a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one’s occupation or for an agreed price: She gave him the job of mowing the lawn.
2.  a post of employment; full-time or part-time position: She was seeking a job as an editor.
3  anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility: It is your job to be on time.
4.  an affair, matter, occurrence, or state of affairs: to make the best of a bad job.
5.  the material, project, assignment, etc., being worked upon: The housing project was a long and costly job.

eeeeeuuuuuueeeeeee….. pppeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuueeeeeeee……

Job = task, expected, obliged, duty, responsibility, “it’s your job to be on time”, being worked upon, long, costly… yuck yuck yuck yuck yuckkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTHeck??!!!!  Heck-a-NOOOOOOOOOOO! haahahahahahaha….

… ok, enough of that rant! 😉

Now you can see why we have to change the work “job” to… ummmm…. how about, “purpose” — yeaaahhhh… that’s better 🙂

Now that we have that out of the way,  let’s get on with the point of this post!

What is your purpose every day?

Have you ever thought of that question?  I’m not asking what your life purpose is or what you should be achieving, working towards, goals… no, none of that… I mean it simply put:  What is your purpose today?

How about this:  What is your purpose right now?

I say, “now,” because only  have -now- at any given now-moment.  The past is behind us, the future ahead of us, and even 1 hr from now is now now and 10 minutes ago isn’t now, but right now is now.

What is your purpose right now?

When you woke up this morning did you have a purpose (or let’s say, “plan?”)  What you planned on this morning, are you doing it now?  When you work up did you say, “today my plan is to read Cindy’s blog.”  hahaha… well, if you said that, weeee  hhhaaaa!!! I LOVE YOU! XXXXX … but, if you said something else and you never even planned to read my blog or even thought of me for a second, I guess that your plan changed?

Ok, there is a method to this madness (post)…

Check it out:

Since I moved to Egypt I have been being forced to only live in the now/moment.  I have noticed that I cannot plan to do anything, because if I do it just doesn’t  happen.  I can’t expect anything to be done by a certain time.  I can’t depend that things will happen or get done.  And, even if I wanted to make a plan and follow it, it is going to happen the way it is going to happen, which is never the way I plan, want or imagine it happening.  It has really tested me, but I learn fast and I get it…

What time do I get up in the morning?  I don’t know — whenever I get up.  Most of the time I am not even aware of what time it is at any time of the day.  I  know when the sun comes up it is probably abour 6:30 or 7 AM?  I have no clue.  I know when I hear the people working on construction that it is probably around 8 AM, but also it could be 2 PM… you just never know, because they are on Egypt time, whatever time that is.  Time is not a part of life here.  More on that later.

What do I do each day?  WHOOOO knows??  There are things I want to do, and I will get up get ready, and then I get slammed back… well, that ain’t gonna happen today!!!

Yesterday we needed to go to the Visa office.  It closes at 2 PM.  Yeah, I love the work days here!  Start work at 8 or 9 AM and end the day at 2 PM? Niceness!

Anyway, it is 11 AM and I say, “we should get ready to go” and My dear says, “it closes at 2, we have a lot of time”  I say, “that is only 3 hours”  he says, “no problem, it only takes minutes to get there” … oookkk… so I go have tea and burn some sandalwood incense and connect with the Sahara and Nile… and allow my day to unfold as it is going to unfold.  I forget all about time and just live in my space.

Later My dear says, “we have to go!  we haven’t time!  they will close at 2!!” hahahaha… welcome to my world!!!  Either we have a lot of time in which no one has to do anything or get anything done right away, because we have soooo much time — so much time that nothing gets done at all  OR we “haven’t ANY TIME!” … in which now we can’t do anything we wanted to do, because we don’t have any time! hahaha… so basically, NOTHING EVER GETS DONE… because we either have a lot of time or we have no time! Confused? Welcome to my world!

Tell me,  please… either I have gone crazy or this makes no sense! hahaha… sorry about all the laughing, but if I don’t laugh I may just cry!  Honestly, this is an every day experience and I’ve just surrendered to it all.

We are too busy to get anything done, because we don’t have time… but really, NOTHING IS getting done!  HELP ME LORD!!!

It brings me to my realization of that statement:  There is no time in space.

I believe that may be what is happening here.  There IS not time so without time what do we do?  We are so used to being time-driven!

*phew* I need a deep breath after that one… did I mention something about “observation” ?  oh yea… back to that…

So yesterday I just decided to observe everything around me without judgement.  Person by person and situation by situation, I was amazed, baffled, surprised… to the point of disbelief and laughter.  I started thinking:  the world around me is a mirror of the world within me, and started seeing how the people around me were acting and their crazy belief programs and then looking at me and saying… oookkk!!  I better get busy cleaning myself up!

After a day of observation, I wondered, “… I am observing my life.  It’s as if I am on the outside looking in at this crazy illusion I’ve created called, my life – or – my reality… observing it is interesting, but where do I fit in?  I came to the conclusion that it’s all a state of mind.  If  I think what I am observing is ridiculous, crazy, or whatever, maybe I need to get inside of myself and be a bit more real about who I am and what I’m creating!  We are the creators of our Universes (illusions/realities)…  doing this exercise of observation without judgement brought me a lot of eye-opening awareness.

What I plan on doing?

I will write a list of the things that stood out to me the most, i.e., what surprised me, what I thought was crazy, ridiculous, what felt good, what lit my soul up… anything that stood out the most.  Once I get it down on paper I will go through each thing one by one and shift what I need to shift and connect to Source to create a more aligned illusion with what I really desire for myself and my experience.

After writing this post I can see there is quite a bit of ??????????????? being reflected to me.  I am ready for some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  … some reaaaalllllyyyy gooooodddd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sooo many 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂  and tons of LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That being said… what is my purpose right now?  Well, I think after all of this crazy pondering that I cup of tea would be perfect… my plan for the rest of the day?  We shall see where the “time” takes me!

… and you? xxx

Connecting with the energy of the Sahara Desert

Categories: American living in Egypt, Egypt, illusion, life purpose, manifesting, no time in space, observation | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

Hello world!

Hello  world? … nah… when it comes to me, it’s, “Hello Universe,” and actually that isn’t even true… “Hello Infinite”…  oooo yeah, that’s more like it!

I’m a multi-universal traveler … and today I find myself physically in Aswan, Egypt, but energetically soaking up the vibes of the Sahara Desert and Nile River… and paying it forward to everyone that is open and willing to receive the transference of these life supporting energies.

I’ve been living in Egypt for a  few days over a month now, and it has been a wild ride.  My villa has sweeping views of the Sahara and Nile, so the energies are constantly with me, and no doubt part of my own healing and transformation process.  I’ve been pondering these powerful energies and what they mean to me.  I keep getting the word, “strength” for the Sahara Desert and “emotional healing” for the Nile River.

View from my Villa – the Sahara Desert meets the Nile River

I have been noticing some reoccurring themes in my life since I landed in Egypt and have been putting some thought to figuring out what the heck they mean and understanding the *signs/messages* the Universe is trying to share with me:

Water Leaks or Cleaning up Water:  Lots of this happening it seems.  I always find myself cleaning up water from the floors due to leaks from toilets, water heaters, showers, you name it.  In the villa there is even a massive water leak in the wall coming from one of the upstairs bathrooms to the smaller dining room area.  The wall is getting warped and bubbled from the continuous leakage.  And, the toilet isn’t only ‘leaking’ but, you flush it and it’s like it is serving a dual purpose: 1) to flush the toilet and 2) a personal toilet bowl waterfall… it pours out like crazy.  Well, the good thing is, when you are in Egypt they have these built in floor drains so the water collects and departs for the most part.

Things getting Stuck:  I keep getting in situations where things are stuck.  Don’t ask me how, but the other day as I was washing a glass juice container somehow I got it lodged into a pot and for the life of me I couldn’t understand how I got it in there and getting it out seemed pretty impossible.  Then I turned the knob on the gas tank for the stove and couldn’t get it to open up again.  Later I actually couldn’t get out of the bathroom, because the door was jambed closed!  My dear, sweetheart, seems to be the one that “unstucks me” every time!

So, the water leakages, stuckness and My dear being the unstucker (unsticker?) seems to be a theme and believe me it is puzzling.

Water = emotions… interesting that I “get” “emotional healing”  [Nile River].

Stuck = well, I guess I must be stuck? … still pondering the exact deal on that one!

Unstucker = My dear is definitely “key” and the “strength” [Sahara] in being the one that will be pertinent in “unstucking” me! lol

Still looking for clarity on it all… if you “get” any “hits” on any of this, I’d love for you to “comment” and share… I will definitely share my insight as I get it as well.

I’m getting bit up by mosquitos at the moment… so this will be my exit point for the night… g’nite and peace xxx

oh, and PLEASE “Follow” my blog and share it on your Facebook and with your friends and family… I’d love to share my journey with others 🙂 thanks!

Categories: Egypt, emotional healing, Nile River, Sahara Desert, Signs from the Universe, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 7 Comments