Posts Tagged With: new life

A New Life without Dying to Get There

In my previous blog post I mentioned that  I don’t really believe in past lives, but use the term for the sake of referring to a life not being consciously lived in what we are calling our present life.  I believe that the only “time” we have is the “now” — what is happening right at this second is the only thing that is real… like, right now.

That being said, I believe that any and all lifetimes that our souls may have experienced are all happening at the same time.   My school of thought tells me that all the lifetimes that we may tap into (whether we are calling past, present or future lives) are actually, Parallel Lives.   Let me also say that although I’m putting out these phrases and belief’s we all have our own varying degrees of truths when it comes to these terms and how they are experienced.  I am talking about my own view points and beliefs that stem from my work as a natural gifted, master transformational healer and spiritual channel.

I bring this topic of discussion to the table [blog], because recently through many of  my client’s healing sessions I have been “receiving” similar messages, validation and evidence that…

…many of us are incarnating into our “new present life”

without having to experience  physical death to get there.

Some of us have the awareness of this happening [ascension into a new life/world], while others maybe experiencing major life changes, but not realizing this particular shift is occurring.  What you can do is to become aware of it in your life by noticing the evidence that it has already been happening [huge life changes whether self-directed or seemly-forced in the last year or so].  Further, these huge changes are resulting of our past focus on us asking for our highest desires and manifesting.

You must know that if you have been asking for huge changes in your life, that you life must change in order to manifest your desires.   For example, say you have had issues with lack of money and you have been manifesting large sums of money into your life.  You can’t go from one end of the scale to the other end [lack to abundance] without making some sort of huge changes in your life.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  – Albert Einstein

So jump on the train-of-change and realize that the Universe is shifting and aligning you to realize your dreams!  Go with the flow to allow it into your life.

Friendly Tip:  To allow your desires to manifest into your life, remember, you must always keep your energy open and in a state of receiving.  When we constrict our energy (close it due to fears, doubts, victimhood, etc.) we are actually closing our energy which repels your manifestations from being delivered into your experience. 

Every day check your energy — do you feel open and allowing?  Or do you feel closed off and shut down?  Believe me, these are two different energies and they will determine whether you receive your desired results or not.

Anyway…  A gift of a whole new life ~ pretty cool in my opinion!  When we embrace our new life as the present life (leaving our current past in the past as if it was another past lifetime), we put closure to it and break free from the challenges, lacks and what didn’t work and create a life full of all we have been desiring and dreaming.  The Universe is offering us a brand new start without having to die to start over 😉   Embrace a whole new life, new world, new universe.  How do ya like them apples? 😉

Our life journey IS the ascension process This IS our gift from the Universe that says —  you can start new today and really have it all!  This IS – Ask and it is Given, materialized.  This IS, it is already here.  This IS — it IS done!

Can you even imagine that all the possibilities are now complete probabilities?

As you are ascending into your new life, you are actually in a completely different dimension or as I called it, parallel life.  You can expect that you will witness even greater change in your life — even drastic change.  Know that this change may seem like a huge undertaking, but the reason it feels that way is it is a huge force of energy shifting all at the same time.  It’s as if you’ve been sucked up an accelerated ascension tunnel that is faster than Blue Angels trailblazing it through the skies!  And, just as a Blue Angel pilot must train and focus on accelerated speeds, fast or unexpected need to turn or to realign to reach a specific outcome — so must all of us in our journey of creating the experiences in lives we desire!

This means people will come and go from your life, situations and issues will shift to new ones as your life aligns and your consciousness catches up with you.  Be open to whatever that is and do your best to get onto your roller coaster [the process that takes you there] and be up for the ride of your life.  Be willing to ride the roller coaster with a zest of excitement.  Even if a turn comes up fast, or you feel you are spinning in circles, know it is all part of the journey and keep your focus as you consciously drive forward with your clear intentions.

Fear of the unknown is the only thing that will cause you resistance.  Be aware of when fear comes in to hold you back and quickly refocus on what you desire instead.  Further, DO NOT LOOK BACK!  Remember, your past is actually now a “past life”… it is not your current life, nor is it the past of your current life.  You are not who you were, but who you are right now, this second, which is transformation manifested as a whole new life.

Well, now that you know “where” you are going… it is time to get really conscious about creating the best outcomes.  Manifest, baby!!  You are the creator of your life, your Universe… keep yourself centered, focused on the good and dare to dream your life right into reality!  I’ll leave you with this great affirmation:

Some how, some way, things always work out…

the Universe is always lining me up with my good 24/7.

Workin' it out on the cell phone ~ Nile Style...

Categories: destiny, illusion, manifesting, no time in space, parallel lives, past lives, reality, Signs from the Universe, soul lives, spiritual journey, spiritual path, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments