Posts Tagged With: seasons

Spring, Sprung… Summer!

Cindy Eyler, Botanical Garden, Aswan, Egypt
… are you seeing your manifestations? 

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians harmonized with the natural cycles of nature, Earth and the Universe, knowing that each had its unique gift creating a synergistic flow to create and manifest all their needs.  They never fought the ebbs and flows, because, well, pushing up against anything never delivers the desired results.  Somewhere in the modern hustle and bustle world, we forgot that.  Many are running in that circular-never-ending-rat-race trying to catch up, working really hard, struggling, trying to figure things out… only to find out all they are doing is running the same circuit over and over with very little change or fulfillment in the process.  Yep, years and years of this go by, and although the scenery may change, the rat race continues.  Ask yourself:  Am I working to live?  or Am I living to work? hmmmmm……

Hear this:  if you find yourself exhausted, feeling challenged, stagnant or hitting a wall —> wrong way!!!  These are *signs* that are so in your face that are screaming,Make a change!  … or you can commit yourself to a habitrail life… but, it seems like such a waste — especially, when you can really have anything you want!

Tracking the movements of stars and planets, noticing water tides, floods and flows, as well as, utilizing the seasons for what each of them offered — the Ancient’s were experts knowing when to:

  • calculate, set the foundation of intention for success and wait (Winter),
  • when to start movement and sow in preparation of realizing their success in abundance (Spring),
  • when it all grows into full flourish and peak of abundance (Summer),
  • and after the manifestation and gratitude for all that was delivered perfectly, every time, every year… the time turns back to the solace of quiet and contemplation for nature’s cycles to begin again (Fall)

The Nile River Flooding and Sahara Desert

Into the summer we go, and this photo (above) is my magical, abundant front yard here where I live in Aswan, Egypt — nature is in motion.  The end of spring into summer, the Nile River floods, this means the farmlands have more water, the cataracts are pouring and full of beauty and activity, new birds are arriving, the bugs are changing — everything is becoming more alive and abundant as the Nile continues to flood and grow.  The indigenous people (Nubians) can be found along the banks of the Nile, enjoying a swim to escape the high heats and I have personally enjoyed watching Venus showing me amazing light shows over the Great Pyramid when I was in Cairo recently, and at home, flash dancing over the Sahara.  Yes, everything is alive, full bloom and in color!

Nubians enjoy Mother Nile

Exotic Birds Everywhere, a bird watcher’s paradise
(this one keeps pecking at my window!)

Learning to harmonize and ‘be’ with the seasons is a great way to manifest, but also for your health, happiness and inner-peace.  Every season has an energy that flows with and through you whether you are aware of it or not.  When you decide to be aware, you can make these season produce amazing results for you too!   Manifesting is all about -feeling- … so when you feel good and your overall well-being is good, then it promotes a healthy support system to your dreams and manifestations… and guess what… hold those desires with joy, visualize success and ‘be’ in the ‘now’ with the seasons… and you will see your desired results too!


Manifestations require movement every day: body, mind and spirit.

Tips for Movement and Working with the Seasons:

  • know what season you are in and what the energy of the season(s) you are working with to capitalize on what you need to be focusing on (see paragraph 3 above).  We are now into summer, so start focusing on all the abundance with and around you… it can be flowers, nice people, good thoughts, huge selections of fruits… anything… just get focused on abundance and keep your focus on abundance, and you will see a lot more abundance in your life!
  • primarily eat whole fruits and vegetables (raw) that are currently in season
  • take time to be out in nature and enjoying the beauty that each season holds
  • state your gratitude for any blessings or beauty in your life, big or small
  • receive periodic healings or body work to assist you in moving out stagnant, low or painful energy
  • write your dreams and desires in a special manifestation notebook and revisit each day, updating and clarifying as necessary
  • create a “God Box” — anything that you fear or worry about, write it down and put in the box, cut the cords to it and imagine the angels taking them to God to resolve.
  • create present tense affirmations that you can say every day when you wake up, when you worry and before you go to sleep.  They start with:  I am ___, I have ____ or I (action verb) _____ and remember if you are feeling low this is a perfect one to say:
Every person/situation is a golden link in the chain of all my good.
The Universe is always lining me up with all good 24/7.
Some how, some way, things always work out.
All it takes is your daily commitment and focus to make
your manifestations your reality…
you hold the power within to create…
no one can do this for you…
but you can certainly join in on the support that helps you stay on track and
assist you in hitting your target!
Aswan Botanical Garden  Photo by:  Cindy Eyler
One of Cindy’s greatest niche’s is to help people
manifest their dreams into reality.

Let’s make it happen for YOU!:
Categories: abundant living, American living in Egypt, Ancient Egyptian, Aswan, Egypt, manifesting, Nubian, reality, Sahara Desert | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment