Posts Tagged With: lightwork

Lightworker Alert! Making money living our passions vs. true ‘knowing’ we are supported…

So the “guidance” I received on the first phase of work here in Egypt has been about:

Working in silence, anchoring in as much light as possible to the country and her people, working it all as a whole, locally and internally…                

Living in Egypt has been a completely contrasting experience compared to living in the USA (obviously) and has already offered me many ‘opportunities’ to learn and grow… we won’t get into all the details on that (just yet)!


.. just wanted to share “insight” I’ve been receiving.

You know we are always wondering what our next business step is, how are we going to live our passion and make money to live, blah, blah, blah, blah…  too bad we have to even think of relating our lightwork [or any job we are doing that is related to living our passions] with money… such is the experience all of our collective consciousnesses created!  Tongue

I want to add a blurb from my last newsletter, paying special attention to the bolded area:

“………..      ….The economy in recent years was at the forefront of -forced- major change for everyone.  At every level, no matter what socioeconomic status we fall under, the pressure has been felt.  From individuals, families, corporations, government to the world around us, it seems like everything was being yanked out from under us and we have all had to scramble to find new ways to ride this new way of living.  Fear driven survival has been plaguing people and causing discomfort within and around themselves.  Years into the recession came Occupy Wall Street  to Occupy Anything… not agreeing or disagreeing on any of it, but one thing I DO resonate with is the fact that people aren’t just laying down and taking what is served anymore!  Come on, people… we all have voices and it is up to each one of us to stand up for what we want for ourselves and more importantly, stand up -to ourselves-.

I personally had enough of senseless rules and forced pressures that are put upon us as… and at the beginning of 2011 I started simplifying my life.  I went through every bill and released anything I didn’t use or need.  Even if it was $2.00 for a cable channel I didn’t use, finding a lower rate on car insurance even if it meant putting time into finding one, changing my phone plan, finding higher quality yet more affordable markets and chucking anything thing I didn’t care to pay anymore.  All the adjustments and deletions added up and made a difference.  I had decided, enough is enough!  I craved a simple and inexpensive life.  This didn’t mean I gave up conveniences or things I loved… it just meant I made a conscious decision to better my life without buying into the fear-based survival-mode rat race that was being dealt to me.   Plain and simple —- I took a stand for my life —- and it started with me and my commitment to create a better way for myself!

Surely you  have witnessed countless jobs being lost, tons of relationships ending, while instinctively-intuitive unions between soulmates being realized (this has been so beautiful to witness) and so many seemingly pushed to so quickly and spontaneously get up and move to previously un-thought-of locations around the world — many of these situations eye-opening, “omgosh, really??!!!” moments.  Yes, in 2011 the metal was being put to the metal and the dial to full-on accelerated evolution, both consciously for those following their spiritual path and unconsciously for those that may not have been aware of their path, but somehow being flexible or aware enough to flow with the changes.

Where has all of this seemingly-craziness taken us?  Look around at your life?  What has changed, whether it seemed to be a forced changed  or a conscious decision to change?  What are  you resisting right now (what you resist, persists)?  Are you setting clear intentions for what you desire in your life or are you are letting life take you on a ride of it’s own… these will give you two completely different results.   ………”

… ok, so while I spent pretty much most of 2011 releasing all that I possibly could to free myself from the crazy you gotta pay this for that and that for this and fees for that and oh yeah, better pay for the accountant to make sure you are paying for all the stuff you are paying for is being paid correctly, and that what you are paying better be done or you’re gonna pay more and wait you didn’t say you made that, so pay up on this… and oops, you certainly didn’t forget you needed to pay that did you!  omgoddess… does it ever end!  Shocked   It’s outta control!  Lips Sealed  … Who made up this stuff?!!  This insanity that was forcing me to dial into the vibe of living to work, rather than working to live [although I’d say I was better at working to live than many in our consciousness]… I was being anchored to this rat race that I totally didn’t resonate with.  Enough already!!   I certainly didn’t come to this earth to worry about working to make money so I survive!  Cool  Stop the merry-go-round… I want off this nightmare ride!  Shocked

Little did I know that I’d be moving to Egypt… well, looking back the journey that brought me ‘here’ unfolded so precisely and perfectly!  I was step by step releasing “stuff” that I no longer needed (physical stuff like books, etc), then releasing any bills that I really didn’t need, till eventually I let go of my relationship and actually my whole dang life… ended up walking out the door never to turn back again… talk about chucking it all! … and now in Egypt, I live in the “rich” area where I have a brand newly built villa, which I call my little princess villa (so cute, chandeliers, fancy architecture/deco) with, if I was to pick the view I’d want — I happen to HAVE … sweeping views of the most magical area of the Nile River with the Sahara on the other side of the river… at a whopping $500/month ..  how do ya like them chickens  Cheesy  … food is very inexpensive, in fact, it is cheaper to pick up already cooked food than to buy your own and prepare it which is strange, and the life is so laid back… so I totally manifested a life where I could actually -live and breathe- and easily afford.  No longer a slave to life, but a liver of life!    oooo yeah… now that feels good!  

So life in the USA was fast-paced, gotta do, gotta go, gotta make money, gotta gotta gotta … eeeyikes…. and life in Egypt is sooo slow and what gets done gets done and don’t plan to get anything done, because the only thing that is going to get done is what is going to get done … it seems as if there is definitely no time in space here.  If you tried to live life on a schedule it would frustrate the heck out of you — it just doesn’t work.  It’s totally about living in the moment.  I never know what time it is and neither do the people around me  

Ok, so back to my point… so now my work is to anchor in the light.  I was told… it isn’t about doing ‘tangible work’ to make ‘money.’  It is about working the energy… that is clearly my job.  To every day work with the light and clean and anchor it in, rejuvenate my energy and so forth… the money comes from this work.  It isn’t about providing services to be paid by clients, it is about doing lightwork and knowing that the money will come in… from where?  Who knows — it just does…  and at the core of me it feels so right on … my soul definitely knows this vibe.

I feel this is what we have always been being guided by the Universe to do.  Haven’t we always received the messages to follow our passion and the support (and money) will always follow?  Most of us have taken that as, offer our services and the clients will show up.  And, that has been true, and yes, it has worked and definitely that is how I’ve been surviving.  Still, even though I am mostly anchoring light now, I still offer some webinars, journeys and have clients for healings, however, I have the ‘knowing’ that this is all on it’s way to -shift- … and that more and more of us are going to resonate with the knowing and the trust that doing our lightwork without having to necessarily sell a service to clients IS the new wave [of consciousness].

I was ‘told’ that money is something that is on its way out… *phew* — I’ve always dreamed of living in a world that didn’t run on money.   …. we are certainly shifting into a new world/Universe/consciousness… and the more of us that can resonate with this consciousness and align with it… truly do their lightwork in this way… the faster it is upon our realities……………….. so what do you think about them apples  Huh?

… care to   with me?

You can start by simply saying, “I’m in…” — and let’s walk our talk!  Work your lightwork magic in whatever way you are feeling guided for the good of humanity, the world, Universe… in whatever way you are ‘called’ to serve… and the more you can incorporate this into your daily life, I know, you will see, things in your own paradigm shift to this new reality I speak of…………… I’ll “see” you there!  

…oooooo it feels sooooo good to breathe again…. and it is so enlightening to live in this space of ‘being’  

     Occupy Your Consciousness 

Another day at the office 😉 … Cindy “working” in Machu Picchu, Peru

Categories: destiny, illusion, life purpose, lightwork, living your passion, no time in space, observation, reality, shift, Signs from the Universe, spiritual journey, spiritual path | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments